ASBA in the News

Governor Togiola T.A. Tulafono congratulated the ASBA for the recent gain of a seat in the American Bar Association House of Delegates. The Governor called it an “important recognition” of the ASBA. During the 2010 ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, the Governor gave a speech in support of American Samoa’s recognition in the House of Delegates.

For more, please visit

No Meeting for August

There will be no bar meeting this month. The next bar meeting will be on September 29.

For more information, please visit the ASBA Events Calendar.

President’s Message

The President discusses the bar’s admittance into the ABA and what it means for American Samoa and the ASBA.

The President’s Message can be read here.

Conference on International Criminal Court

In February 2012, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Australian Human Rights Centre of the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales will host an international conference Justice for All? The International Criminal Court – A Conference: A Ten Year Review. The conference will mark the 10th Anniversary of the operation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and discuss the work and impact of the ICC during its first decade. The President and  Registrar of the ICC will be attending the conference.

For more information, please visit the University of New South Wales website.

Court Memo on Summons Forms in Paternity Actions

Judge Ward has issued a memo regarding the summons that is issued in paternity/child support actions under ASCA 45.1501 et seq. The letter explains what needs to be in the summons and the procedure for filing it. He has also included a form summons for use.

The letter and form summons can be downloaded here [pdf 102kb].

ASBA Welcomed to ABA by Guam Delegate

Guam’s delegate to the American Bar Association, Joaquin Arriola, welcomed American Samoa to the ABA in a letter to Governor Tulafono, Chief Justice Kruse, and ASBA President Sean Morrison. In the letter, Mr. Arriola states that he is “proud and pleased” to welcome American Samoa to the ABA. He said the proposal was passed by an “overwhelming voice vote.”

Mr. Arriola was a strong supporter of the proposal to add American Samoa to the ABA House of Delegates,and one of its leading speakers.

A full copy of the letter may be read here [pdf 91kb].

ASBA in the News

The local news has been reporting on American Samoa’s recent admission to the ABA House of Delegates. ASBA President Sean Morrison spoke with Monica Miller of KHJ Radio.

Interview – KHJ Radio via

Story – KHJ Radio via

American Samoa Now in the ABA

The American Bar Association, at its annual meeting in Toronto, voted to approve an amendment to their constitution to provide a seat in the House of Delegates to American Samoa. This is the first time that American Samoa will be represented in the ABA House of Delegates.

The amendment also provided seats to the Northern Marianas and Guam, who had previously shared a rotating seat. It was thanks to the hard work of our sister territories, including the U.S. Virgin Islands, that this was made possible, and the American Samoa Bar Association cannot thank them enough. This will be the beginning of a long tradition of the islands working together towards our common goals.

Mr. Charles Alailima has been selected by the ASBA as the first American Samoa ABA delegate.